Wednesday 1 April 2015

Attracting Abundance
(A on Day 1 of A to Z Challenge 2015)

Do you see abundance
Of things immaterial
Of feelings & tiny gestures
Abundance of times
Source: Google Image Search
That head for love
enthusiasm and vulnerabilities
Those moments that
Stretch your lips wide
And widen your eyelids
Abundance of Music
Than makes you dance
Or takes you to a dream land
Abundance of sound of waves
As you lay on the shores
Of running waters with closed eyes
Or gazing a deep blue sky
With glaring moonlight
Shooting star amidst twinkling ones
And abundance of gazing fireflies
Or listening to chirping of birds at dawn

Author's Note: We attract abundance of things that make us feel special. Those moments are right in our view, and it is for us to open up to them.

Let abundance of brief beautiful moments consume us!

P.S. A for Abundance on April 1, 2015. My first post for the A to Z April Challenge


  1. Simple one. Good start. Expecting more from you :)

    Do drop into

    1. Thank you Malavikka :)
      Long way to go, and this is going to be a fun ride. Thanks for stoppbing by. I loved your narration of A. Waiting for B #ThumbsUP

  2. I believe we attract what we are made up of or filled with.
    Lovely lines. Wish I could write poems as touching as you!

    All the best for the challenge! :)

    1. There are times when I pull my hair to make sense of my words, and then there are times when they just flow.
      Try your hand at it, you never know what you are capable of until you try.
      I loved the way you narrated A for Age Waiting for more.. Way to go girl!

  3. Love the abundant play of words here! A good start indeed to A-Z.

    1. Thanks Vinodini.
      All it takes is a start and you reach the end. Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. I feel abundence of happiness after reading your poem :P It is so true!!
    Good start and all the best..I know you will last till Z!!

    1. Glad to know that Hemant.
      My posts will be a mix of happiness, angst, elation and disappointment. Will surely run you through streams of emotions!
      Thanks for visiting my blog #ThumbsUP

  5. Thank you this is very lovely. Abundance - even the sound of the word is poetic.

    1. Thank you Susan. Such comments keep me motivated. Lovely to have you on my blog :)

  6. An amazing poem, reflecting on abundance of almost everything:)

    1. Thank you Ranveer Vishal. Abundance happiness surrounds us, we fail to acknowledge it. I will visit your blog and comment. Thanks for stopping by and sharing the link :)


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