Well finally my sis is spiritedly awaken by my call! that shows how badly I wanted to recall that earth-shattering idea~~ Remember the one I mentioned in the previous blog.
So ladies and gentlemen.. that idea was to discuss how many of you get up and look at your face in the mirror.. I do get up and the first thing I do is to adore my face in a mirror, just next to my bed. Actually whenever I get up from my bed I laze around near the mirror, it is a ritual for me. This also happens whenever I try a smoky eye make up with a tinge of blue (my favourite colour) my foot get glued on the dressing table, adorning a ravisher! I don't feel conscious sharing anything with my mirror.. be it some wacky look or just out of the bed smudged kohl untidy hair prink.
What happened last night was that I asked my sister how many times does she adorn herself in front of the mirror. Her reply was many times.. Actually same as mine..... So I went into introspection wondering many of us don't miss to notice ourselves in the rear view mirror of car smartly parked on the road! Or who all of us try to figure out the impressive quotient by tilting a bit on the window panes of a hip-lifestyle showroom?
So much so that my cousin, who just crossed one year of his age, did not want to move away from his image casted on the window panes of a car. Every time I started walking, he shouted and insisted me to hold him so that we can stand right next to the car, and he kept looking at himself..
I have also found quite a few animals (by that I mean cows, cats and dogs) staring at their image on an object that acts as a mirror for them. I notice quite a few of living beings embellishing themselves. Getting in the philosophical mode, may I proclaim that whatever is done by masses is OK and whatever done by classes is cool! So this action of many of us is just okay!!
A few merits of facial adorning traits are as follows
~ You know how you are looking on a particular day
~ You get comfortable with your look
~ You experiment with your looks
Author's Note: Isn't it an earth-shattering blog post?? Well I forgot most of the points that I thought I will write in this post last night!!