Tuesday 22 December 2009

Jingle Bells

So there is something happening in my office, a game, which goes like: 

The Game ‘Secret Santa’ - You simply pick a chit with a name on it, and you’ll be the secret Santa for that person. Remember, don’t you leak out the name on your chit! Now it’s up to you to pamper the lucky one for the entire week starting tomorrow till weekend (Thursday, 24th Dec ’09)..... 

Got this mail on 21st December 2009 and  on 22nd December 2009, when I went to the pantry for lunch, someone left a packed on my desk. I came back and knew that its my Secret Santa who has left the gift. It had a candle and some chocolate...

I am also playing secret santa for someone..

Author's Note: Wanted to thank my secret santa, since its a secret till 24th December, I thought of putting it on my blog!


  1. cool game yaar...u keep a gift for me too for my next visit ;)

  2. Its really a Kool game, i can say this as i was also a part of this game. People started with a notion as they dont wana play but at last everybody participated and enjoyed it.

  3. @Praveen - Sure I will, Just lemme know when are u coming!!

    @Kundan - I was amongst those who did not want to pick a chit and take pain of gifting, but I ended up enjoying the game, and finding ways to please the person I played santa for!

  4. i loved the gifts your secret santa has given you...!!!
    i m using them pretty well ... :P
    the clips n stuff...!!!

    thanks to secret shine di's santa...!!!

  5. great idea. we also keep on playing several games in our office. this one is great too. i hoped that we would have done the same. its so much fun and lot of gifts as well at the end.


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