Fake friends... I wonder why do I have many? Perhaps, I come across somebody as help to them, and despite realising that they are fake, I stick around wishing that my belief is wrong or the other person would change. Now I realise that I had been making a mistake, rather a blunder! For some I was important as I was a source of notes for them, some wanted me to extend favour every now and then etc etc...
But why did I turn a cold eye to those minor signs which say that you are being fake?

I realise that I have been bringing disgrace to the concept of friends.What is real friendship? Something that is described aptly in KK's 'Yaaron Dosti bari hi haseen hai...'
So a few words dedicated to all those who are just so special for my friends~
I know I can be silly with my actions, but you mean the world to me.I might have never told you that you are amongst those whom I love!Dear friend, thanks for accepting me the way I am.I hate those irritating things that you do, and I laugh at them thinking about you :), this makes me adore you more than I ever did.I do take your suggestions seriously and ponder over it!When I find myself in trouble, I wish you were around.You teach me to be right, and stand with composure.I can confide all the silly things I did, without the fear of getting my actions analysed... Sigh
Author's Note: Considering the beauty of the word friend, I proclaim that I will erase those so called friends, who actually are fake pals out of my life. Apologies to those who did not succeed in conning me :p
P.S: True friends are hard to find and I love all those real ones!