Saturday 26 April 2014

Winner: A-to-Z Challenge [26 April 2014]

On tasting the flavours of being a Winner.
I was addicted to my failures.
Not because they were good.
But their coming was so grand.
I had to work really towards it to make it a win.


Each one of us is a winner in our own way.  What matters is if you see your failures worth to put you up to where you are or where you want to be. Winning is a very relative concept, for a labourer, earning bread for each day could be a big win but for an industrialist, losing a multimillion contract could be just another day.

Stepping out with an intent to embrace your failures is what makes you a winner. No one can be a winner always, if it is about a genuine effort than it will be accompanied by a lot of failures and a big win!

Badge : A-to-Z Challenge [April 2014]
Author's Note: They say that failures are the stepping stones to success. In big pursuits, failures are often regarded as big milestones only winners find on their way to success.

P.S.:  When I look back at my life, I see hardship. At the same time it was accompanied by a belief that it will not get worse than this. It will get only better. I have had my share of failures, my share of losses but the lessons that accompanied those failures made me a winner.

P.P.S: Do share your success on the comment box, with a little flavour of failure.


  1. One has to taste failure to achieve success... the recent being my dissatisfaction from not being recognized for my work. I left India last year to relocate to a new city, a new life. I was sceptical at first, it was risk I was taking, but now I am happy to have done so. :)

    1. Glad that you did it. When you do what you want, you are likely to win and are already a winner in your eyes.

  2. Failures make you feel weak at first but then when you rise up, you become stronger and a winner!

    1. Failures are imporant as lessons and winning is impirtant fr celebrations. :)

  3. Failures make you feel weak at first but then when you rise up, you become stronger and a winner!

  4. Just a few lines and you have made a point.. !!

  5. My philosophy is this: failure is OK as long as you learn something from it, and don't keep making the same mistake over and over. Failure means you might need to take a different route toward your objective.

    1. I completely second your point. A little change in approach can make all the difference. Thanks for visiting!

  6. Good point! New follower here. I'm stopping by from the "A to Z" challenge, and I look forward to visiting again.


  7. Good thoughts.. refreshing post !

  8. Probably I am currently going thro a lean patch which is akin to failures to me...a win might be just at the corner. Thanks for this motivating post.

    1. It is the last key that opens the lock. Keep going and good luck :)


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