Thursday 17 April 2014

Other Woman: A-to-Z Challenge [17 April 2014]

Other is what they call me.
But he tells me that I am the one.

They tell me that he is a liar.
He swears by when he tells me those lies.

They tell me to ask him to leave his wedded wife.
He tells me his plight and why he cannot.

I am pulled in two directions.
One that is ruled by logic.
Other that is ruled by heart.
Is my heart stronger than me?
Badge : A-to-Z Challenge [April 2014]
Is it not bringing disgrace to me?

Author's Note: Yes it is the man's fault. But if he is allowed to commit a sin, he will. 

P.S.: I wanted to capture dilemma of the other woman. She knows that it will not lead anywhere but she often ends up adding memories to an impossible accord. Ofcourse it is in line with my theme for the A-to-Z April 2014 Challenge - Emotions and Expressions.


  1. The confusion between the heart and the mind...sometimes we know its wrong and we will get hurt but then the heart drives us in the other direction..

    O for Ostracized-Random Thoughts Naba

    1. That confusion kills, I just wish that people trapped in such situations find a way out. Moreover I feel that the man in this scenario keeps the other woman confused, he has total control on her decisions and thoughts.

  2. on a lighter vein I heard a joke that goes How do u punish a man to commits bigamy? Make him keep both the wives !!


    1. True. That is why such men do not take a stand and keep the other woman hanging!

  3. Is it even a sin? What something is wrong to one person could be right as per someone else. Let's discuss offline ;)

    1. The other woman accepts being the other one, that is why she finds it right. It is a sin if u look at it from the perspective of the man's wife, kids, family and ofcourse society.

  4. I would never want to be caught in a love triangle. You have portrayed it well here. ♥

  5. Love triangle well captured... I would never want to be the other woman or even the woman who has a man with other woman :O

    Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
    Smile, it makes (y)our day!

  6. It is the question of morality and self respect! You have nicely portrayed the dilemma of other women. No one wants to be the other woman like no man wants to be the other man (if we talk about equality)

    1. Thanks Shesha. The concept of other woman is scary, ugly and suffocating. Men do not make their emotions visible, women do, that is why there is so much spoken about the other woman and not the other man.

  7. The other woman is the only one who suffers, on all counts. Your poem depicts the anguish and confusion of the woman so well.

    1. Thanks Sulekkha. It is a thought of not giving up on something she held so precious and allowing herself to be treated secondary.


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