Saturday 19 April 2014

Queer: A-to-Z Challenge [19 April 2014]

Being a man.
I am in love with another man.
I am a Queer.
We had to sacrifice our love.
To let him marry a woman.
Am I a Queer?

Being a woman.
I kissed another woman (on lips).I am a Queer.
I fought the world, to be with my girl.
It led to her being stoned to death.
We were a Queer pair.

Badge : A-to-Z Challenge [April 2014]
Author's Note: Is love really a matter of consideration for a gender? I have never felt for someone with same gender, but I often think if love a matter of gender?

P.S.: How open are we about choices people make about their life. How does that matter to someone if a person choose to sleep with someone with the same gender?

P.P.S.: I am declaring publically that I am fine with the spirit of queers. After all they are spreading love, and now war or hatered. Do share your thoughts.


  1. Awesome take on emotions of LGs (same applies on BT). We are nobody to decide their fate. Let them enjoy their freedom!

  2. I'm completely fine with homosexual love. I'm not homophobic AT ALL.

    Precious Monsters

    1. I wonder how can love be about phobia. Thank you for commenting.

  3. Love is wonderful no matter who you share your life with. ♥

  4. Is it really anyone's place to tell another person what or whom they should or could love? The simple answer is No. That's it.

    1. I agree with you. Thank you for commenting.

  5. Who are we to judge or decide? Every person is unique and is free to chose whoever he/she wants to love!

  6. Nice post and an excellent choice for Q. I have a friend who is gay and I stand by him for his choice of partner. Nobody has the right to judge anyone after all nobody is perfect.

    1. And the worst is when government starts to give out orders against homos. Thanks for commenting.

  7. No has no gender, no borders, no caste and no walls
    I am blogging at The Other Side

    1. Love knows no language.
      Love has no boundaries.
      Thanks for commenting.

  8. I did a play in a gay bar once. My mother, who had always been to just about every performance I had done, said "I don't think I can go there." Luckily my brother talked her into it. After the show, she said, "I just have one question for you." I thought, "OK. Here it comes." (She wanted to know if I inhaled on the cigar I smoked on stage.)

    1. Smoking is deadly than being around gays. Thanks for sharing that instance.

  9. Love is too rare and precious for anyone to judge or even think they have the right to judge. Go forth and love everyone for something. If that person is the one, so be it.
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

  10. Loved this theme..and yeah..we don't have right to decide one's fate :)

  11. Everyone has the right to love whomever they want. I really don't understand why people get so furious.


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