Thursday 10 April 2014

Introspect what makes you cry: A-to-Z Challenge [10 April 2014]

I know I do not belong here.
I know that I deserve better.
This is not what I can settle for.

It is when we are face to face with a sad, hopeless and helpless crying.  (this line has been inserted post feedback received from a fellow blogger Nisha)

We all know where we belong. Some accept it as it is somewhere they presently are, some keep cursing their luck and some take it as a war to shoot out of a trap like a diwali rocket - they do not intend blast somewhere midway, but land in a paradise.They are the ones who truly create their own paradise.

When you feel low, you could either hide in your quilt, shed a tear and keep feeling low or simple - do something about it. Getting up and doing something about it to go back to that reason that made you cry and introspect. Here are a few givens that are giving you tears:

First... Those of us who get hurt are mostly the ones who say YES, when they want to say NO. Are you one of them? If yes, learn to say NO, stop people pleasing and put out what you really are. Be happy and content with your decisions.

Second... Check your environment, if you are surrounded by negative people - you do not see the Golden Skies because of some Haze in their Eyes! Either block such people from your lives, or learn to block their negativity reach your mind.

Badge : A-to-Z Challenge [April 2014]
Third... Check your environment again, you might be with people who are not too self motivated, they could be the dead fish, who go with the flow. Spat your fins and scream through the streams. You need to be self motivated to get to where you belong.

Author's Note:  Whenever the thought that you do not belong here crosses your mind, do not let it die. Make it into something that you will feel proud of two years down the line. What to do is best known to no one but you :)

 P.S.: I tried to relate negative emotions with introspection.


  1. I think tears and negativity are two different things. I cry watching a tv series as well! And I am one of the most positive people I know. So.. maybe.. this post should be about what makes you unhappy. Just saying.

    1. Thanks for your feedback Nisha. I had limited my version of cry to sad, hopeless and helpless crying. I will edit my post to read it better.

  2. I generally don't stick around negative people very long. Life is way too short to deal with folks like that. They can be miserable without my help. ♥

    1. True Kathy, sometimes ignoring negative people is tough. I am trying my best to ignore them.

  3. Echoing with Neha, a lot has been written about tears. Crying is not always a negative emotion but if it is a habit, its the least productive activity in ones life.

    1. It appears you meant Nisha. Either as a habit or a negative emotion, one has to get to the root of it and take it out than to die with regrets.

  4. This reminds me of a joke heard many moons back...Definition of tears - A hydropower force that eliminates masculine willpower with feminine waterpower :)


  5. Yes make use of ur negativity into something constructive so u will be not be sailing in the same boat two years down the line...

    1. Making your weakness a strength is the key :)

  6. Yes make use of ur negativity into something constructive so u will be not be sailing in the same boat two years down the line...

  7. I cry when I'm sad, when I'm happy ..God I cry a lot! I also cry when I'm angry...Sometimes It helps me...

    Latest A2Z Challenge Post-Random Thoughts Naba

  8. I was like that a month back... N them I took a decision... N working towards it. Fingers crossed. Wonderful post.

  9. So true!!! loved the 3 points and I found that I don't have any drains around me.. thankfully all are radiators!!

    Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
    Smile, it makes (y)our day!

  10. Yes, negative forces in your surroundings - has to go.. Very nice and heartfelt read. Shine - enjoyed it:-)

  11. And when one can't control the negativity, introspection can make it possible to suffer through while quietly planning changes. Then tomorrow finally comes and introspection has prepared us to move forward.

    Visiting from the A to Z Challenge Drusilla

  12. Crying is a form of cleansing and release. It has been medically proven that people that don't cry (men, in particular) have more heart problems. Crying can be positive in so many ways.

    Carol @ Battered Hope


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