Monday 24 August 2009

Real People

"Real people with all their flaws are much more attractive and beautiful. "

This is what I read while scanning saturday's Mail Today. I instantly stole the quote by Anurag Kashyap (he directed, Dev D, Black Friday, Gulaal), for my gtalk status. 

Even the best of people have flaws, so do I. Looking for traits of perfection in others irrespective of understanding that no one is, no one can, no one was, no one will be perfect, is a natural human behaviour. The series doing the rounds on TV, 'Sach Ka Saamna' has brought in to the fore. And the camera work during the series to add spice to the confesion. I have not seen the show even once, but TV visible from the kitty-corner of my desk keep me updated with the shocl and confessions. The episodes are often discussed with office colleagues. Some have queries, some are amused, some are not at all bothered, thats about it.


  1. very well quoted line "Real people with all their flaws are much more attractive and beautiful."

    same goes for "Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder." pseudo intellects believe that but do we really see beauty in anything?

    we are undoubtedly true CRITICS of this Modern Era. the only purpose is to find flaws in everything we see everything we hear, just everything which comes to our senses.

    the degree of absurdity lies only in our thought process where we are actually micro- programmed to see flaws in everything but i appreciate your thoughts of at least contradicting the fact we ACCEPT those differences.

    "sach ka samna" is avague but fundoo concept..will definetly comment on it.


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