Recession took a toll, but its aftermath is dangerous. I did not know that sitting ideal in office, especially you when you read news everyday about the markets getting back in shape, can be so frustrating.
Well I am completely bored.. absolutely no work! I keep scanning through links of blogs, news portals, try my hands at beautifying my weblog etc.
During this endeavour I came across the concept of 55 Fiction
The story has to be narrated in no more than 55 words. Sure I will try my hands at it at my fiction blog. Probably I have written a few like the three versions of Runaway Bride.
I tried my hands at widgets too... Have a look at the amazing gadget on the top right of this page. Now I can know the visitors toll on my blog. I wish I knew about it when I started blogging :-( anyways.
Author's Note: The entire post is the note :-p
55 fiction is an interesting concept....I tried my hand at it but was not too successful. All the best to U.
ReplyDeleteI hope ur bosses dont read ur blogs.....The way u've been going on about not having work in office..if I were U I'd find some widget to block my bosses from accessing my blog.
Hmm my boss is well aware anonymous :-)
ReplyDeletehmmm that's interesting.
ReplyDeletenice blog
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