Saturday 26 September 2015

It's not a Writer's Block - it's a Dead End

When on a dead end, make an alternate way! Never walk back.

Dead End - what does it look like? It looks like now. When you have so much to say but you wonder if your words will get past the judgmental shields and critical glasses that people don. Those who care not to know what goes on in your over worked mind. Those who list somethings are right and some things as wrong in the back of their minds and fit everyone in those chambers. A good or a bad! A friend or a foe. A hero or a villain.

What is most difficult is to set yourself free of those judgments. Honestly as I write this I am thinking about whether my words will find meaning in the mind of a reader, because today I am forcing myself to write. Not the construction of my sentences, but thoughts and ideas. If my thoughts and ideas do not get past, I am doing this in vain. It is that moment where I am looking for one tiny beam of inspiration that pushes me to put out everything. Pour all my words out, muster courage to get drafted poems live on my blog.

So here it is. It is not a writer's block. I have been writing, but I have not taken my posts live. 

Why am I stopping myself? Isn't this what a writers are supposed to do - put forth uncomfortable thoughts so that those who think alike know they are normal. Or perhaps ask those questions that we all dread to face and answer. Something that is beyond their level of comprehension, or maybe something they do not want to understand?

Source - Image (Google Search)

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